Monday 12 November 2012

Fishery Bay

Well, what can I say?  Fishery's is one hell of a nice beach.

If you have a 4WD you can drive it down onto the sand and set up for the day.  NOTE: You probably need to let you tyres down.  I got stuck here in my Dad's car - a Subaru Outback.  We made it all the way down and along the beach but just as we were edging up the hill, off the soft sand we got stuck.  Stuck for about 20minutes, without mobile phones and the smell of a burning clutch.  I managed to grab the one other person on the beach at the time (who was thankful that I had relieved him of his jog along the beach) for a bit of local advice.  Apparently Dad just wasn't 'givin' it enough guts.'  Sure enough with a bit more pedal to the metal, we were off and away.

If the wind's blowing in the right direction Fishery is a popular surf spot for beginner-intermediates and great bay to go stand-up paddle boarding at. It's also great if there's a northerly wind and you find the main beach in Port Lincoln too windy.  Just head to either end of this beautiful bay and you should find it a bit more protected.

Getting ready for a surf up on the cliffs to the left of Fisheries.

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