Friday 26 October 2012

The Swimming Cage - Port Lincoln Jetty

Do you like swimming?  Swimming without the fear of a Great White?  I sure do.  The Lincoln town Jetty has an enclosed cage off to one side.  The water here is good and deep.  There's a platform you can dive off and jetty jump!  The kids have great fun on it (and so do the adults).  I like the view watching folks fishing and wandering up and down the jetty.
Now a few months back my husband and father had different opinions on the length of the cage.  One thought 25 metres, the other thought perhaps 50.  Thinking they were both wrong and wanting to prove it, I tried to Google and find out but there was no record.  I took my handy measuring tape down to the jetty to find out just how long this cage is.  Have you had your guess?  The answer's at the bottom of the page...

Kids having fun jumping off the ledge

Drum roll please...
The cage measures just over 50 metres.  Dad, you were closest!

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