Wednesday 9 January 2013

Doing the Wave

Driving in South Australia, in particular The Eyre Peninsula you may have noticed that everybody does the wave!

This wave doesn't come from knowing someone and it doesn't come from being courteous.  You just wave when you pass someone.  Once you get the hang of it, it sort of seems rude not to...

The courtesy wave can be used in a variety of situations:
  • When merging lanes and your fellow driver creates space for you to merge
  • When driving on a narrow street and the oncoming driver pulls over allowing you to pass
  • When yielding right of way when the right-of-way is unclear
  • When acknowledging a driver of the same vehicle – a particular favourite of motorcyclists and Kombi drivers
  • When apologising for a driving indiscretion such as (accidentally) cutting off another driver
versus the Eyre Peninsula wave, which is just used all the time, whenever you pass another car, a pedestrian, a person.

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