Friday, 31 August 2012

Flinders Monument - Lincoln National Park

This spot is a really nice 20min drive from Port Lincoln.  It's especially beautiful on a clear day with blue skies.  You drive on bitumen all the way, so no need to worry about taking your car off road.  There's a lookout from the hill which you can walk to and depending on your fitness level it will take 20-40mins to get to the top.  As you climb upwards you wind around, allowing you to take in views from all angles.  Being almost Spring, the day I went all the wildflowers were out in bloom.
One you get to the top you will be rewarded with spectacular views out to Port Lincoln, and across the National Park, out to sea where the ocean is dotted with islands.
A very enjoyable sight to see!
Beautiful Wildflowers
Almost there.  Flinders Monument on Stamford Hill

Looking out west over Boston Bay from Stamford Hill



Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Sheringa Roadhouse



If you like the Aussie outback and want to get a feel for it, stop and have a look here.  It's quirky and oozes personality - not like anything you really see in bigger towns or cities.  You can get pretty much anything you need for camping and fishing...

Tumby Bay

SELF DRIVE:  44mins/49km ex PORT LINCOLN

Tumby Bay front beach
Tumby Bay is a really quiet, cute little town.  Most of the buildings look like they haven't been touched since they were first erected.  Out of high summer you could be mistaken for thinking it's a bit of a ghost town - a very beautiful and peaceful one at that.  There's an quaint little shop that sells some crafty stuff and home-made blackberry jam and white chocolate and raspberry blondie (to name a few).  You can grab a beer at one of the two Hotels that have beach frontage.  If it's the morning, or your not quite ready for an alcoholic beverage there's a little cafe right on the beach. 
If you're a JJJ radio listener Tumby Bay may sound familiar to you - it hosted "One Night Stand" in 2011.
The Tumby Bay Police Station
The Town Jetty.  Not bad...

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Oyster Trail - Coffin Bay

Oyster Walk brochure 

Now, I must confess that I have only done part of this walk.  It was a freezing cold day and I had some hungover friends with me but what we did walk, we liked.  It's so pretty here, for part of it you walk between the ocean and the balconies of houses where you can look up enviously and wish for a glass of champagne and some freshly shucked Oysters to indulge in while taking in such a picturesque spot.  The Bay is dotted with little boats and the water is blue and clear.  The great thing is you can pick up the walking track almost anywhere and walk as far or as you want to.  

Saturday, 25 August 2012

2012 Bridal Expo @ Lincoln Hotel

Last weekend I went along to the Bridal Expo to have a look.  It was very impressive.  There was live acoustic performance by a local duo, a fashion parade by Chilli Pink and goodie showbags on arrival, champagne.
If I were getting married again The Lincoln Hotel would definately be top on my list as a venue.  For any potential brides out there, it's worth going along for a look...
The outdoor deck set up for wedding ceremonies

Chilli Pink Fashion Parade

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Cleve Field Days 2012

Cleve Field Days.  This was a bit of a country experience for me!!  The businesses that my husband and I work for both had tents here, so we drove up together from Port Lincoln.  It was a beautiful clear morning so the sky was blue, the fields were lush and green and the odd field was filled with bright yellow canola.  Very pretty indeed.
I knew nothing about what the Field Days would entail and I was pleasently suprised!  For those that have not been or have never heard of this event its held every second year and features a heap of agricultral stuff - of which i know nothing about!  The upside is, that it has other stalls there to keep a fashionable foodie like me entertained.
For me, the highlight was all the wonderful food in the EP Farmers Market Tent and the Arty Eyre fashion parade. 
Lincoln Estate - Abalone Spring Rolls & Coconut Crusted Prawns.  Mmmmm
Melt - Fudge made locally in Port Lincoln.  So soft and chocolately.
Pope's Honey.  The creamed honey is so good.  You can eat this stuff by the teaspoon.
The Queen Bee's in there somewhere!!
Biscotti - made by Nada Gabone from Port Lincoln

Biscotti, Baklava and all things yummy, nutty and sweet

Climb abourd for the best view...
The local school kids get the day off.
Steiny's Traditional Mettwurst.  A field day would not be complete without men wandering the grounds with giant Polish sausages draped around their necks.

Inside one of the homeware tents

Art Eyre Fashion parade.  Designed by locals and made from 90% recylced products.
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