Sunday, 22 July 2012

The silver whiting are a biting...

For the last week or so, there's been a bit of a fishing frenzy at the Port Lincoln Main Jetty.  Just before high tide each day, the front beach and jetty has been crowded with fishermen - around 20-30 all fishing the one spot, all successfully. It seems a school of Silver whiting has been swimming laps.  They're being caught on bloodworm, prawns meat, live yabbies and seaweed worms...

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Whale Spotting @ Sleaford Bay

Today we went fishing at Wreck Beach. Unfortunately for us, the salmon were somewhere else - or they just weren't hungry? There was, however a pod of Whales splashing about in the bay. I've not enjoyed fishing so much as I have today when there are such magical creatures right in front of you. Days like these make you realise how small your problems are and how big and wonderful nature is.  I took my Canon but without the bloody memory card - once again left in my computer! Grrr. I have been making habit of that lately.  So... here are a few pics from my phone. The Whales are like tiny black specs against the sea. But oh what a magical place. 

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Parnkalla Trail

parnkalla: the parnkalla, or barngala, are an indigenous australian people from the port of lincoln, whyalla and port augusta are of eyre peninsula. (wikipedia)
The Parnkalla Trail runs along the beachfront of Port Lincoln area.  Starting from Port Lincoln north along Boston Bay, around the main beach, past the silos, into Kirton Point through the Marina to Billy Lights point.  

The thing I love about this track is that you can join it anywhere, which means your walk can be a short or as long as you want it to be.  You go through bushy terrain on a dirt path, cemented footpaths beside the beach and you wind your way through The Marina.  You get a nice change of scenery which makes for an interesting, easy walk.  I like that you also get some privacy which means that you can do lunges, squats or just skip along without being embarassed!

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