Friday 7 September 2012

Fisherman's Point - Lincoln National Park

Looking down from the camping area.

Oh me, Oh my.  There are so many wonderful spots in the Lincoln National Park.  So far, I have only touched on a few and let me tell you - they do not dissapoint! 
This might be one of my favourites.  Accessible by 2WD it's about 30mins into the National Park.  This point is set about 10-15 metres above sea level.  It's secluded by shrubbery and almost has 360 views of the ocean.  It sits right above a lovely peaceful bay.  You can light campfires, set up camp, relax, swim, fish, walk on the beach and just enjoy.  What more could you possibly need?

The camping area
Pretty nice huh?


Looking back to Fisherman's Point from the beach.

Crystal clear...

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